EHAC will be sponsoring a panel at the upcoming ASEH conference in Boston, Massachusetts in March, 2023.
Congratulations to Keith Pluymers! His book, No Wood, No Kingdom: Political Ecology in the English Atlantic, won the 2022 Snow Prize from the North American Conference on British Studies. The book is available here from the University of Pennsylvania Press.
Scout Blum's new boardgame, Rising Waters, has been mentioned in a recent article in the Guardian. The cooperative game allows players to experience the historic 1927 Mississippi flood through the lens of local African Americans. The game, which finished in the top 13 of approximately 150 games entered in the Zenobia Contest in 2021, is being published by Central Michigan University Press through the Center for Learning through Games and Simulations (CLGS), a new academic, peer-reviewed press for games. The game is currently available for pre-order through the CLGS.
Jay Turner, who will be the new Vice President- President Elect of the American Society for Environmental History, has a new book out on the history of batteries. The book is available through the University of Washington Press.